• Monoclinic ZrO2 Powder

    Monoclinic zirconia powders are known for their exceptional physical and chemical properties, making them ideal for producing both structural and functional advanced ceramics. These powders are widely used in various ceramic applications such as tile pigments, refractories, PZT materials, dielectric components, abrasives, thermal barrier coatings, and as fillers for membranes or even as dopants for lithium battery cathodes.

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    Non-agglomeration Property

    * Carefully formulated fluffy powder state

    Suitable for dry blending doping process

    CZE-UH2: Suitable for NCM products with exceptionally low sintering temperatures.

    CZE-G2, CZE-H2: Suitable for NCM products with relatively low sintering temperatures.

    CZE-X1: Suitable for NCM products with standard sintering temperatures.

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    Evidence of good dispersibility:
    The powder can be dispersed in water without the need for energy input.
    The particle size distribution curves obtained with and without ultrasound are similar.

    Monoclinic zirconia powder produced through various processes to meet the diverse needs of customers. Strict quality control between China and France ensures product stability.

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    Zirpro's highly-engineered zirconia powders are suitable as additives for cathode active materials.

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